Political solidarity

The unique political project in NES is founded on values of direct democracy, regional autonomy, women’s liberation and religious and ethnic
tolerance. We increase awareness and understanding of this system via bilateral visits, delegations, education programs and public awareness campaigns.
We can create connections between political parties, political movements and individual activists.

Humanitarian support

Millions of people in NES live in extreme poverty, driven by ten years of civil war and the politically-motivated isolation which means it is unable to
access many forms of international aid. International solidarity has been crucial in enabling the region to stand on its own feet and continue to
provide the best standard of living for ordinary citizens in Syria, despite immense hardships.
We can create connections between NGOs, humanitarian bodies and human rights activists.


A new education system in NES prioritizes women’s rights, multiculturalism, collective learning and community education. As well as establishing
a new curriculum and education system from kindergarten up to Rojava University, a network of community academies for adult learning have sprung up across NES.
We can create connections between schools, universities (including Rojava University), educators, teachers, lecturers, students and researchers.

Women’s rights

Women have been at the forefront of the revolution in NES, driving through a huge range of reforms including guaranteed representation of
women at all levels of the political process; autonomy and self-determination for women throughout the political system the eradication of
multiple, forced and underage marriage; the establishment of a network of ‘women’s houses’; public awareness campaigns on women’s rights,
history and health; and much more.
We can create connections between women’s movements (including pan-NES women’s movement Kongra-Star), women’s NGOs and women’s rights activists.


The outbreak of the ‘Rojava revolution’ has been marked by a renaissance of traditional culture, including languages and cultures that were
banned or suppressed under the Assad regime. New forms of cultural expression are also emerging in NES.
We can create connections between film-makers, musicians, artists, writers and arts and culture collectives.


Under the Assad regime and ISIS, the region suffered under severe forms of punitive justice. Now, new forms of restorative and community justice
are being trialled across NES, including ‘reconciliation committees’ solving problems through dialog, rehabilitation programs and amnesties for
prisoners. The region is also struggling to find a solution for tens of thousands of ISIS-linked detainees, including thousands of foreign ISIS fighters, currently being held in NES.
We can create connections between reconciliation committees, lawyers, and justice initiatives, including those in NES working on bringing ISIS to justice.


The economy in NES is being restructured, from one which serves the central regime in Damascus and its apparatchiks to one which serves
ordinary people. Alongside subsidies and price controls in some areas, a key principle is the establishment of cooperatives and community
economy projects, as part of an ongoing transition toward a cooperative economy.
We can create connections between cooperatives, community economy projects, trade unions, and funding initiatives.


People in NES are cared for by a patchwork of public and private health initiatives, the Kurdish Red Crescent (KRC), and other NGOs. The region
places value on traditional forms of medicine and healing, but is struggling to cope with an immense humanitarian crisis pushing its limited resources to their limits.
We can create connections between NGOs (including KRC), doctors and other health professionals.

Municipalities and regions

NES’ devolved regions and municipalities all have their own unique culture and characteristics. Several have already entered into partnerships,
including ‘brotherhood’ or ‘sisterhood’ agreements, with their counterparts abroad.
We can create connections between towns, cities, municipalities and regions.

Religious and ethnic affairs

NES is home to diverse religious and ethnic groups and minorities, including Yezidi; Syriac-Assyrian Christian; Armenian Christian; Chechen;
Turkmen; and Circassian minorities, alongside major Kurdish and Arab populations. A new culture of secularism, multiculturalism, inter-ethnic
tolerance, and ‘Democratic Islam’ is being promoted in the region, as an antidote to ISIS’ reign of terror.
We can create connections between religious and minority ethnic community leaders, religious bodies, diaspora groups, and minority rights activists.