December 17, 2023

The new Social Contract of AANES Region

On the 13th of this month, the Democratic Peoples’ Council of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of NE Syria ratified the new Social Contract. The new Social […]
December 7, 2023

Delegation from “Familien Fur Frieden” visits the Civil Diplomacy Center in Qamishlo

A German delegation from the Familien Fur Frieden “Families for Peace Association” visited the Civil Diplomacy Center in the city of Qamishlo to learn closely about […]
October 29, 2023

The Second Conference of the Teachers Union in North and East Syria

The Second Conference of the Teachers Union in North and East Syria Yesterday, the second conference of the Teachers’ Union in North and East Syria was […]
October 21, 2023

Dialogue of world scıentısts with Rojava unıiversity

GLOBAL SCHOLARS DIALOGUE WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF ROJAVA The topic of the dialogue is on the achievements of the autonomous region of northeast syria (rojava) in […]