November 23, 2023

Webinar || Spread Resistance Against Occupation and Technological War: Defend Rojava against Turkey’s War of Occupation!

Attacks on Rojava and the Democratic Nation were discussed in the webinar held by the Academy of Jineoloji, Civil Diplomacy of Center in North and East […]
November 9, 2023

Union of Pharmacists in North and East Syria

Union of Pharmacists in North and East Syria Definition of the Pharmacists Union: It is a professional organization with humanitarian and social aims that preserves the […]
October 29, 2023

The Second Conference of the Teachers Union in North and East Syria

The Second Conference of the Teachers Union in North and East Syria Yesterday, the second conference of the Teachers’ Union in North and East Syria was […]
October 25, 2023

Green trees

Green trees Global interest in environmental affairs has increased over the past years, especially the last ten years, as a result of climate change that occurred […]